Debbie's 1st & 2nd Grade Class learning about trees at the Tree Farm!
WOCAP Students learning about water sheds in preparation for their upcoming river trip!
Victoria's 1st & 2nd grade students had a dendrochronology lesson yesterday, then proceeded to build family trees!
Both 5th & 6th grade classrooms are celebrating National Geographic's 130th Birthday Bash Celebration to kick off their theme for the year, can you guess the theme??? National Geographic, of course!
Wildflower Adolescent Program dissecting owl pellets!
Mornings before school...
Picture Day Tomorrow, Don't Forget!!!
The All School Campout was a hit! Thank you to all the amazing families who showed up to help make it such an awesome experience! It takes a village!
From the first day of school to the Ice cream Social, Wildflower has had an amazing start to the school year!
Exploring Architecture in SF with Linda's 5th & 6th Graders!
The WOCAP Experience!
Wildflower Adolescent Program students are venturing off into the wilderness!
3rd & 4th Grade Present Geology Rocks!
Amazing Race WOCAP Style!
Wildflower's awe-inspiring WOCAP kids have begun the Amazing Race! Looks like they're off to a great start!
Loads of pictures from teacher appreciation week were just uploaded on the website - go to Menu then click on Photos... Check out our amazing teachers and all the hard work our parents put in!
Come visit the Wildflower booth at the endangered species fair!
This years Wildflower Music Festival was truly epic. It couldn't have happened without the hard work of our dedicated volunteers, the generosity of our sponsors, and you, the community who showed up in force. Thanks to all the bands, Hot Flash , Kyle Williams, Triple Tree, Moonshiner Collective, and ALO. You all rocked the stage, and made the day electric ⚡️. On behalf of the 25 WMF Committee Members, and Wildflower Open Classroom, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! See you all next year!
Last Chance to Sign Up (and tell your friends to sign up :) to Volunteer at the Festival!
Benefits to volunteering 2 Hours:
For community members, they save $20 on their ticket!
For WOC families, need I answer that??? We need your help!
Areas to Volunteer:
-- Parking (needs 8 for the late afternoon & evening shifts)
-- Kids Area (7 for late afternoon & evening shifts)
-- Admissions (4 for late afternoon & evening shifts)
-- Bike Valet (2 for evening shift)
-- Kids Crafts (1 for noon shift; 6 for late afternoon/evening shifts)
-- Silent Auction (10 open slots all day)
We do have floaters and the coordinators will be on-site but still, let's fill these slots!
Kids Singing on the Big Stage!
Students should be at the festival no later than 12:30 to sing on stage with our music teacher (Holly Taylor) and her band Hot Flash. The performance "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars starts at 12:45... Get your kids there on time and your cameras set to record!
Looking forward to seeing you then!
Your Wildflower Staff & Festival Committee
Wildflower families, the school climate survey was sent out today, please check your email!
Your feedback is very important to our school community and the results are used to shape the direction of Wildflower.
Fill out the WOC Community Survey for a chance to win either a $40.00 Gift Certificate to Schuberts, two free Music Festival Tickets for next year's Festival 2019, or the Grand Prize. . . Dinner at Woodstocks and Movie Passes to Cinemark for for a family of five!