The Open Classroom will be a community of learners. Students, parents, and teachers will share the roles of teacher and learner, with teacher guidance.

The diversity of backgrounds and experience that students, parents, and teachers bring to the classroom will enrich the entire Open Classroom community. Classrooms will not be isolated from the learning of the community. Multi-age classrooms will collaborate with each other.

Collaboration between students, parents, teachers, and other community partners is an essential element of what makes the Open Classroom program unique and strong.

Observing and asking questions are key elements of how students, parents, and teachers approach teaching and learning. Open-ended and higher level thinking questions allow learners the opportunity to actively reflect on their learning or behavior, rather than passively receiving information. Students and parents are encouraged and taught to ask questions, make requests, and propose ideas for learning activities that interest them or  

that they wish for the whole class. Students and parents are encouraged and supported to be active in their learning. Teachers use Integrated Thematic Curriculum as a basis for collaborative, hands-on learning

  • Positive Interpersonal Relationships

  • Constructivist Learning

  • Blended Classrooms/ Multiage Grouping

  • Intrinsic Motivation

  • Parents as teachers

  • Students as teachers

  • Teachers as teachers